
Kishore Shiva Saravanan

Software Engineer
(Actively seeking for summer 2024 internships)

  Chicago, United States  

View Resume

About Me

Inquisitive, energetic computer science student skilled in full-stack web and mobile application development with a strong foundation in data structures, algorithms, programming and logic. Seeking to leverage solid development skills with a focus on collaboration, communication, passion and creativity as a programmer.


Zoho Corporation

Software Engineer - Team Lead

  • Successfully Led a team of developers to publish a Native Android location-based monitoring feature as a Standard Development Toolkit (SDK), which has over 1 Million+ downloads on Google Play Store.
  • Created technical Workflows handling multiple cases on location features as the Team Lead
  • Worked on Back-end API, middleware functions enhancement and workflow based database modeling.

Indie Spirit

Full Stack Developer Intern

  • worked on a full-stack web application in the MERN stack, integrated back-end and frontend connectives.
  • Built and managed the entire backend server created using NodeJS and successfully deployed using AWS S3 storage with invoking AWS Lambda function in a pipeline and exported in a Docker Container.

Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India

Software Development Engineer - Internship

  • Developed a full-stack web application for Records Management.
  • Worked on cloud secured databases and built a IP firewall configured a NodeJS Server

ISQL Global

Software Development Intern

  • Developed web and mobile(android & iOS) applications for Leave Management and Attendance Registration using Facial Recognition.
  • Worked on server-side programming and deployment.


Illinois Institute of Technology

2023 - 2025*

Masters in Information Technology & Management
Concentraion in Software Development

  • CGPA : 3.6/4.0

St.Joseph's Institute of Technology (Anna University)

2019 - 2023

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science

  • CGPA : 8.89/10.0


In-Campus Navigator

An application created using OpenCV and path-finding modules in python. This application navigates to locations present inside a large campus like college, malls, zoos, etc. The user can install the application scanning a QR code via their mobile/pc.

Face Recognition Attendance Registration

The project was developed in both mobile and computer. Facial Recognition scanning process are made through Machine Learning algorithms and the recognized face imports a record in which attendance are automated in excel sheet and database.

Money Market Millionaire

A Full Stack application software and website for the Youtube channel: Money Market Millionaire for analysis of stocks and prediction of share market using graphs and statistics and provide its users precise day to day information regarding the analysis, predictions and news regarding schemes, share markets, investments, etc., built using Angular, ExpressJS, NodeJS, SQL and python matplotlib libraries.

Password Manager

An Andoid Application created using Flutter to store and manage informations of passwords or credit/debit card details. The user can login in through his/her google account. The Application stores data in encrypted format into google cloud firestore No-SQL database and will be decrypted only at the time of pulling data from the database

Maintenance and Organization of GI Tags

Created a application in MEAN stack, which is mainly focused on server security and authentication. Blockchain was implemented to store important informations which required live supply chain monitoring and offloading the block overheads makes the server light weight and the server maintains a 64-bit hash key generation and maintenance for each requests to be made securely.

Live Code Sharing Platform

live code sharing application in which you can choose your desired programming language and invite your friends to your own custom created room and start coding lively with your friends. The application uses socket programming , nodeJS http for the client and server communication

Records Management Web Application

Developed a web application integrated with Microsoft Azure cloud MySQL Database for the Records management system. The user's access to the application is secured using IP address authentication and security protocols provided by Microsoft Azure cloud database firewall. All the users for the application has been pre-registered by their static IP addresses such that to ensure maximum security is provided to the Indian government officers using the application.

Real Time Health Monitoring Application

  • The project was focused on transmitting live health data from patients remotely using their smartwatches.
  • Used socket programming for communication of health data and was implemented as a full-stack application using MEAN stack. Implemented as a mobile application using ionic framework with multiplatform functionalities.


Programming Languages

Full Stack Web Development

Multiplatform Mobile Application Development


SQL & No-SQL Database
